Thais tend to be bad at listening to criticism and at the bastion of Thai bureaucratic elites, it is worse because they think they know more and are smarter than us. The crème de la crème of the Thai bureaucracy is accustomed to telling others what to do and what is best for Thailand.
They think since they are smarter or better educated than most of the rest of us, we, Thais, expats, and foreigners, should simply just listen, concur, and applaud them. In case there is any doubt, one should just keep one’s opinion to oneself and not criticize the foreign ministry and its senior diplomats.
Pravit Rojanaphruk
It will be a long way before many of these Thai bureaucrats truly think of themselves as public servants and not masters of the public. People need to hold them accountable and shame them whenever they have the audacity to behave in such an appalling manner and publicly display their dictatorial and autocratic nature.
Pravit Rojanaphruk